
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • Chinese Company and Securities Law

    [ 劉成偉 ]——(2009-2-26) / 已閱58636次

    8.5.2 Strict Requirements for the Transfer of State
    Controlling Rights 163
    8.6 Assets Valuation and Approval/ Record-filing Thereof 164
    8.6.1 The Valuation Requirement and Exceptions 164
    8.6.2 Approval/Record-Filing of the Valuation Result 165
    8.6.3 Procedures of the Approval/Record-Filing of the
    Valuation Result 166
    8.7 Key Regulations at Issue 168
    Chapter 9
    Equity Transfer and Pledge in Existing FIEs 171
    9.1 Introduction and Latest Developments 171
    9.2 Offshore Acquisition of an Existing FIE 172
    9.3 Onshore Acquisition of an Existing FIE 174
    9.3.1 By-reference Application of the M&A Rules 174
    9.3.2 Pricing of the Acquisition 174
    9.3.3 Procedures of Equity Acquisition of an Existing FIE 174
    xiv Table of Contents
    9.4 Equity Pledge in an Existing FIE 178
    9.4.1 Conditions and Restrictions on the Pledge 178
    9.4.2 Procedures of the Equity Pledge in an FIE 179 Procedures of the Pledge not Constituting
    Outbound Security 179 Additional Procedures for the Pledge
    Constituting Outbound Security 181
    9.5 Key Provisions at Issue 184
    Chapter 10
    Acquisition (Domestic Re-investment) by Existing FIEs 185
    10.1 Introduction and Latest Developments 185
    10.2 Application of the Industrial Controls on Foreign
    Investment 186
    10.3 Abolishment of the Investment Qualification Review by
    the SAIC 187
    10.4 Procedures of Domestic Re-investment by FIEs 188
    10.4.1 The Procedures Varying Dependent on the
    Proposed Business Scope 188
    10.4.2 Domestic Re-investment in ‘Encouraged’ or
    ‘Permitted’ Sectors 188
    10.4.3 Domestic Re-investment in ‘Restricted’ Sectors 190
    10.4.4 Record-Filing of the Domestic Re-investment 191
    10.5 FIE Status of the FIE’s Investee-Company 191
    10.5.1 Qualifications for the Investee-Company
    to Enjoy an FIE Status 191
    10.5.2 Separate Application for the Grant of the FIE Status 191
    10.5.3 Incentives Available to an Investee-Company
    with the FIE Status 192
    10.6 Key Provisions at Issue 193
    Chapter 11
    Merger between FIEs or with an FIE 195
    11.1 Introduction and Latest Developments 195
    11.2 General Matters of the Merger 196

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    A 法學(xué)理論

    C 國(guó)家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經(jīng)濟(jì)法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國(guó)際法

    Copyright © 1999-2021 法律圖書館



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