
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • Chinese Company and Securities Law

    [ 劉成偉 ]——(2009-2-26) / 已閱58642次

    4.8 Key Provisions at Issue 81
    Chapter 5
    Foreign Invested Limited Liability Partnership (FILLP) 83
    5.1 Introduction and Latest Developments 83
    5.2 General Matters 84
    5.2.1 The Door Opened to a Limited Liability
    Partnership (LLP) 84
    5.2.2 Application of the FIPE Rules 85
    5.2.3 Industrial Controls 85
    5.3 Partners 86
    5.3.1 The Partners in an FIPE 86
    5.3.2 Limited Liability Legal Person as a General Partner 87
    5.3.3 Partners in a Special General Partnership 88
    5.3.4 Limited Partners in an LLP 89 Liability Limited to the Extent of
    Contribution to the LLP 89 ‘Safe Harbour’ Rule for the Limited Partners 89 Special Treatments for a Limited Partner 90
    5.3.5 Transformation from a General Partner to Limited
    Partner or Vice Versa 91
    5.4 Capital Contribution 92
    5.4.1 Contribution Assets 92
    5.4.2 Valuation of Non-Monetary Contribution 92
    5.4.3 Time Limits for the Capital Injection 93
    5.5 Partnership Agreement 93
    5.6 Features Particular for an FIPE 94
    5.6.1 MOFCOM Approval Requirement 94
    5.6.2 Capital Contribution Amount 94
    5.6.3 Total Investment Amount 95
    5.6.4 Term of Operation 95
    5.7 Establishment Procedures of an FIPE 95
    xii Table of Contents
    5.8 Approval/Record-Filing of Post-Establishment Matters 98
    5.9 Withdrawal from the Partnership 99
    5.10 Key Provisions at Issue 100
    Part II
    Merger and Acquisition: Non-Listed Companies
    Introduction II
    M&As under the New M&A Rules (2006) 103
    Chapter 6
    Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises in General 105
    6.1 Introduction and Latest Developments 105
    6.2 Structuring the Acquisition: Equity vs. Assets Deal 106
    6.3 Pricing Based on Valuation 108
    6.4 Procedures of the Acquisition 108
    6.4.1 The Procedures of Equity Acquisition 108
    6.4.2 The Procedures of Assets Purchase 116 Available Approaches of the Assets
    Purchase 116 Particular Points as Compared with the

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    A 法學理論

    C 國家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經(jīng)濟法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國際法

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