
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 論股東有限責任例外適用

    [ 黃洪流 ]——(2005-10-29) / 已閱61323次




    In corporate governance, providers, consumers and employee all participate in corporate governance in the name of creditors, how to protect the creditors is one of the most important tasks of corporate governance. The conflicts between shareholders and creditors concentrate on the abuse of limited liability by controlling shareholders. For this purpose, the developed countries, such as the United States, Germany and Japan create some institutions to solve this problem. The application scope and conditions of “l(fā)ifting the corporate veil” in the United States, “direct claim against the shareholder” in Germany and “disregard of corporate personality” in Japan are different, but they have the same effects, play an important role in protecting the interests of creditors, depriving shareholders of the protection of limited liability of shareholders in nature.
    Exceptional application of limited liability of shareholders is not the only choice to protect the creditors from the abuse of limited liability of controlling shareholders; there are many substitutes, which have the same functions. Different countries have different choices, which depend on the institutional environment of corporate governance. The essence lies in the need to balance interest of the creditors and shareholders. Deprive the controlling shareholders of the protection of limited liability do not affect other shareholders the status of corporate and other shareholders’ right of limited liability.
    Group companies are the common corporate structure of big companies. Controlling companies often require the subsidiary companies behave in conform to the strategy of group companies. These often cause subsidiary companies being unable to pay their debt. So depriving the protection of limited liability of controlling companies is the best way to protect the creditors.
    It has been universally accepted that consumers, employee and the public are the stakeholders of corporations. They often become victims of abuse of limited liability of controlling shareholder. Corporate governance should not neglect their interest. Recently, exceptional application of limited liability of shareholders are more and more be used to protect the consumers, employee and the public.
    In our countries, more and more limited liability corporation come into being, abusing limited liability became more and more serious. More and more controlling shareholder abuse limited liability to escape their obligation and liability (taofeizhai) owned to banks. In the process of crack down the taofeizhai, courts developed the rule of exceptional application of limited liability of shareholders, but they are far from perfect, need further improving under the frame of corporate governance. We can use the good foreign experiences to improve this institution, specify the application scope and conditions.

    目 錄

    一、 股東有限責任例外適用概述……………………………………頁

    二、 股東有限責任例外適用的法理基礎……………………………頁


    總共7頁  1 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]






    A 法學理論

    C 國家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經(jīng)濟法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國際法

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