
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 中外合資經(jīng)營企業(yè)合同與章程(中英文對(duì)照)/中外合資法律文件實(shí)務(wù)




    EQUITY JOINT VENTURE CONTRACT / 1Chapter 1 General prinCiples / 1Chapter 2 Definitions anD
    interpretation / 1
    2.1 Definitions / 1
    Interpretation / 4
    Chapter 3 parties to the Company / 5
    Parties / 5
    3.2 Representations and Warranties / 5
    Non-Competition / 7
    Chapter 4 establishment of the Company / 7
    Establishment / 7
    4.2 Name and Address / 8
    4.3 Approvals / 8
    4.4 Benefit of Chinese Law / 9
    4.5 Limited Liability / 9
    Inconsistency / 10
    Chapter 5 business objeCtive, sCope anD proDuCtion sCale / 10
    Business Objective / 10
    5.2 Scope of Business / 11
    5.3 Production Scale / 13
    5.4 Conduct of Parties / 11
    Chapter 6 total amount of
    investment anD
    reGistereD Capital / 12
    6.1 Total Investment Amount / 12
    6.2 Registered Capital / 12
    6.3 Conditions / 13
    6.4 Form and Time / 13
    6.5 Conversion Rate / 14Chapter 7 equity transfer / 14
    7.1 Equity Transfer / 14
    7.2 Transfer Limitations / 15
    7.3 Transfer Notice / 15
    7.4 Right of First Refusal / 15
    7.5 Transfer to A Third Party / 15
    7.6 Transferee’s Obligation / 16
    7.7 New Investment Certificate / 16
    7.8 Release from Obligations / 17
    Chapter 8 responsibilities of the parties / 17
    8.1 Responsibilities of the Parties / 17
    8.2 Party A’s Responsibilities / 17
    8.3 Party B’s Responsibilities / 19
    Chapter 9 ConfiDential information / 20
    9.1 Confidential Information / 20
    9.2 Confidentiality / 21
    9.3 Precautions / 21
    9.4 Limitation / 22
    5.3 生產(chǎn)規(guī)模 / 13
    5.4 雙方行為規(guī)范 / 11
    第 6章 投資總額與 注冊(cè)資本 / 12
    6.1 投資總額 / 12
    6.2 注冊(cè)資本 / 12
    6.3 條件 / 13
    6.4 出資方式和時(shí)間 / 13
    6.5 匯率 / 14第 7章 股權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓 / 14
    7.1股權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓 / 14
    7.2 轉(zhuǎn)讓限制 / 15
    7.3 轉(zhuǎn)讓通知 / 15
    7.4 優(yōu)先購買權(quán) / 15
    7.5 向第三方轉(zhuǎn)讓 / 15
    7.6 受讓方承諾 / 16
    7.7 新出資證書 / 16
    7.8 義務(wù)解除 / 17第 8章 雙方的責(zé)任 / 17
    8.1 雙方的責(zé)任 / 17
    8.2 甲方責(zé)任 / 17
    8.3 乙方責(zé)任 / 19第 9章 保密信息 / 20
    9.1 保密信息 / 20
    9.2 保密義務(wù) / 21
    9.3 保密措施 / 21
    9.4 披露限制 / 22
    Chapter 10 purChase anD sales priCe poliCy / 22
    10.1 Purchase / 22
    10.2 Sale of Products / 23
    10.3 Sales Price Policy / 23Chapter 11 boarD of DireCtors / 24
    11.1 The Highest Authority / 24
    11.2 Date of Establishment of the Board / 24
    11.3 The Composition of the Board / 24
    11.4 Vacancy / 24
    11.5 Non-remuneration / 25
    11.6 Vote and Implementation / 25
    11.7 Chairman of the Board / 25
    11.8 Replacement / 25
    Chapter 12 Company manaGement struCture / 26
    12.1 Management Organization / 26
    12.2 Business Management Committee / 27
    12.3 Inspection and Copies / 27Chapter 13 supervisor / 27
    13.1 Composition / 27
    13.2 Functions and Powers / 28Chapter 14 rules anD reGulations / 28Chapter 15 labor manaGement / 28Chapter 16 traDe union / 29Chapter 17 taxation, finanCe, anD auDitinG / 29
    17.1 Taxation / 29
    17.2 Financial and Accounting System / 29
    17.3 Books and Financial Statements / 30
    17.4 Bank Accounts / 30
    17.5 Reporting / 31

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