
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 簡明反壟斷法法英文指南

    [ 趙慶慶譯 ]——(2005-2-27) / 已閱50024次

    Promoting Competition,
    Protecting Consumers:
    A Plain English Guide to Antitrust Laws
    An Antitrust Primer
    Illegal Business Practices
    Maintaining or Creating a Monopoly
    Price Discrimination
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Keeping Markets Competitive

    序 言
    The Bureau of Competition of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) share responsibility for enforcing laws that promote competition in the marketplace. Competition benefits consumers by keeping prices low and the quality of goods and services high.
    The FTC is a consumer protection agency with two mandates under the FTC Act: to guard the marketplace from unfair methods of competition, and to prevent unfair or deceptive acts or practices that harm consumers. These tasks often involve the analysis of complex business practices and economic issues. When the Commission succeeds in doing both its jobs, it protects consumer sovereignty -- the freedom to choose goods and services in an open marketplace at a price and quality that fit the consumer’s needs -- and fosters opportunity for businesses by ensuring a level playing field among competitors. In pursuing its work, the FTC can file cases in both federal court and a special administrative forum.
    The FTC has prepared this booklet to help you understand the antitrust laws -- how they can benefit consumers, and how they can affect you if you operate a business. The booklet explains how antitrust laws can be violated, answers frequently asked questions about potential violations, describes how you can help keep markets competitive, and tells where to find more information about the antitrust laws.
    The FTC also has available other publications that explain its numerous consumer protection activities.
    "Antitrust laws . . . are the Magna Carta of free enterprise. They are as important to the preservation of economic freedom and our free-enterprise system as the Bill of Rights is to the protection of our fundamental personal freedoms."
    --The Supreme Court, United States v. Topco Associates,
    Inc. 1972
    最高法院 United States v. Topco Associates Inc. 1972
    An Antitrust Primer
    The antitrust laws describe unlawful practices in general terms, leaving it to the courts to decide what specific practices are illegal based on the facts and circumstances of each case.
     Section 1 of the Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination . . . , or conspiracy, in restraint of trade," but long ago, the Supreme Court decided that the Sherman Act prohibits only those contracts or agreements that restrain trade unreasonably. What kinds of agreements are unreasonable is up to the courts.
     《謝爾曼法》第一條宣布 “關(guān)于限制貿(mào)易的任何契約、合并、串謀”均為非法。但許久以前最高法院認(rèn)為《謝爾曼法》禁止的只是那些不合理限制貿(mào)易的契約或協(xié)定。但具體哪一種協(xié)定是不合理的則由法院來確認(rèn)。
     Section 2 of the Sherman Act makes it unlawful for a company to "monopolize, or attempt to monopolize," trade or commerce. As that law has been interpreted, it is not necessarily illegal for a company to have a monopoly or to try to achieve a monopoly position. The law is violated only if the company tries to maintain or acquire a monopoly position through unreasonable methods. For the courts, a key factor in determining what is unreasonable is whether the practice has a legitimate business justification.
     《謝爾曼法》第二條宣布一公司 “獨(dú)占或企圖獨(dú)占”市場交易為非法。該法同時(shí)還作出解釋:一公司擁有壟斷或企圖謀取壟斷地位并不是構(gòu)成非法的必要條件,只是當(dāng)該公司通過某種不正當(dāng)?shù)氖侄卧噲D維持或謀取壟斷地位時(shí),它才被認(rèn)定是非法的。對于法院來說,確認(rèn)其手段合理與否的一個(gè)關(guān)鍵因素是該公司對其所實(shí)施的行為是否有正當(dāng)?shù)纳淌驴罐q理由。
     Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act outlaws "unfair methods of competition" but does not define unfair. The Supreme Court has ruled that violations of the Sherman Act also are violations of Section 5, but Section 5 covers some practices that are beyond the scope of the Sherman Act. It is the FTC’s job to enforce Section 5.
     《聯(lián)邦貿(mào)易委員會(huì)法》第五條宣布 “不公平的競爭手段”為非法,但并未對所謂的 “不公平”下確切的定議。最高法院曾裁定違反《謝爾曼法》的行為同時(shí)也是違反本條規(guī)定的。然而,第五條還涵蓋了一些超出謝爾曼法規(guī)制范圍的違法行為。第五條的實(shí)施權(quán)是歸屬于聯(lián)邦貿(mào)易委員會(huì)的。
     Section 7 of the Clayton Act prohibits mergers and acquisitions where the effect "may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly." Determining whether a merger will have that effect requires a thorough economic evaluation or market study.
     《克萊頓法》第七條禁止“可能有實(shí)質(zhì)性弱化競爭或引有發(fā)壟斷趨向”的效果的企業(yè)合并。確定一合并案是否有上述效果則需要徹底的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益評估和市場調(diào)查。

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    A 法學(xué)理論

    C 國家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經(jīng)濟(jì)法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國際法

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