
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 公司捐贈與董事的責(zé)任 ——美國法與日本法的啟示

    [ 劉小勇 ]——(2012-2-23) / 已閱15543次

    [1]JillE. Fisch,Teaching Corporate Governance through Shareholder Litigation,34Ga.L.Rev.765(2000).
    [2]A.L. I.,Principles of Corporate Governanace:Analysis and Recommendations(Ⅰ) (1994),p. 63.
    [3]ThomasW. Joo,The Modern Corporation and Campaign Finance:Incorporating Coporate Governance Analysis into First Amendment Jurisprudence,79Wash. U. L. Q.9(2001).
    [4]2 U. S.C. sec. 441b(a).
    [5]The odora Holding Corp. v. Henderson,De.l Ch.,257 A. 2d 398,405 (1969).
    [6]I.R.C sec. 170(c)(1986).
    [7]Sullivan v. Hammer,1990 De.l Ch. LEXIS 119 (1990).
    [8]Hanrahan v.Kruidenier473 N.W. 2d 184(Iowa 1991).
    [9]Matthew G. Dore,The Duties and Liabilities of an Iowa Corporate Director.,50DrakeL.Rev.232(2002).
    [10]Buckley v. Valeo,424 U. S. 1,21 (1976),F(xiàn)irst Nat’l Bank of Boston v. Bellott,i 435 U. S. 765,795 (1978),Austinv. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce,494 U. S. 652,667-669 (1990).
    [11]507 F. 2d 759 (3d Cir. 1974).
    [12]Finley v. Superior Court,80 Ca.l App. 4th 1152(2000).
    [13]Marsili v. Pacific Gas& Elec. Co.,124 Ca.l Rptr. 313 (Ca.l Ct. App. 1975).
    [14]Melvin Aron Eisenberg,Corporate Conduct That Does not Maximize Shareholder Gain:Legal Conduct,the Penumbra Effect,Reciprocity,the Prisoners Dilemma,Sheep’s Clothing,Social Conduct,and Disclosure,28Stetson L.Rev.8-17(1998).
    [15]Einer Elhauge,Sacrificing Corporate Profits in the Public Interest,80N.Y.U.L. Rev.840-841(2005).
    [16]Eisenberg,Corporate Conduct That Does not Maximize Share holder Gain:Legal Conduct,the Penumbra Effect,Reciprocity,the Prisoners Dilemma,Sheep’s Clothing,Social Conduct,and Disclosure.
    [17]Faith Stevelman Kahn,Legislatures,Courts and the SEC:Reflections on Silence and Power in Corporate and Securities Law,41N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev.1123-1129 (1997).
    [18]Faith Stevelman Kahn,Legislatures,Courts and the SEC:Reflections on Silence and Power in Corporate and SecuritiesLaw.
    [19]Fisch,Teaching Corporate Governance through Shareholder Litigation.
    [20]Einer Elhauge,Sacrificing Corporate Profits in the Public Interest·
    [21]Einer Elhauge,Sacrificing Corporate Profits in the Public Interest·
    [22]Einer Elhauge,Sacrificing Corporate Profits in the Public Interest·
    [23]I.R.C. 501(C)(3)規(guī)定專門從事宗教、慈善、科學(xué)、公共安全、文學(xué)、教育等組織可免聯(lián)邦所得稅。
    [24]Faith Stevelman Kahn,Legislatures,Courts and the SEC:Reflections on Silence and Power in Corporate and Securities Law.
    [25]Einer Elhauge,Sacrificing Corporate Profits in the Public Interest·
    [27]Eisenberg,Corporate Conduct that does not Maximize Shareholder Gain:Legal Conduct,the Penumbra Effect,Reciprocity,the Prisoners Dilemma,Sheep’s Clothing,Social Conduct,and Disclosure.
    [35]資料來源于日本最高裁判所網(wǎng)站:http://www. courts. go. jp,訪問時(shí)間:2009年12月21日。

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    A 法學(xué)理論

    C 國家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經(jīng)濟(jì)法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國際法

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